A pharmacist by profession, olive grower by passion, he cultivates a family olive grove dating back to 1861 when his great-great-grandfather Notary Giovan Battista Spacciante, mayor of Leverano in Salento, managed vast vineyards and olive groves. The idea of "UNIQUE" extra virgin olive oil starts from a great love for the land and for this food that if produced in a way that respects the magic of its transformation while preserving its health characteristics becomes a powerful ally for our health.
In fact, it is well known that Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and that Polyphenols counteract the inflammatory consequences related to oxidative stress associated with chronic degenerative diseases. The care and effort devoted to the olive trees throughout the year culminates with the harvesting directly from the tree. Careful washing, crushing of the drupes and extraction according to the "cold" method within 2/3 hours of harvesting guarantee the very high quality of this extra virgin olive oil with very low acidity, preserving its nutritional properties, taste, aromas and integrity.
Thus was born the Extra Virgin Olive Oil "UNICO" medium fruity yellow color with slight green reflections, unmistakable flavor with notes of fresh almonds and vegetables. A blend of Cellina di Nardo', Leccino, Ogliarola cultivars that varies from year to year depending on the quantities that nature offers in a variable but always excellent harvest